martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011


Comparatives and Superlatives

Principio del formulario
Q1 of 10: My mother is _____ than my father.

 the oldest
 the old
Q2 of 10: What is _____ movie you have ever seen?

 the funniest
 the funny
Q3 of 10: That movie was bad, but it wasn't _____ I have ever seen.

 the worst
Q4 of 10: Rachel's hair is not as _____ as Sarah's.

 the longest
 more long

Q5 of 10: Yesterday's exam was _____ than the one last month.

 the difficultest
 more difficult
Q6 of 10: Peter is as ____ as Alex.

 the fastest
 the faster
Q7 of 10: I think Mary is _____ woman I have ever seen.

 the most beautiful
 the beautifulest
 the beautifuler
Q8 of 10: Her room is only a little bit _____ than mine.

 the bigger
 he biggest
Q9 of 10: He is _____ when he is playing football.

 the happier
 the happiest
 the happy
Q10 of 10: Michael's house is _____ from the train than Betty's.

 the furthest
 the farther
Final del formulario

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